Find your Lucky Number by Date of Birth

The birth number is the most important when the individual wants to carry out his won plans.
The Birth number is the easiest and clearest to use for everyday matters and for all those who are not advanced students is occult symbolism. It indicates with authority and decision the exact date for action, namely a date which will be in accord and harmony with the Birth number.
It is unalterable; related the planets influence at the moment of birth, by some mysterious law of vibration-which, even if we do not understand, we must admit to exist even in such so – called inanimate objects as crystals, molecules and atoms- the moment of birth decides the note of harmony or vibration and so has its influence on the acitons of our lives from the cradle to the grave.
The Name number is more difficult to be sure of it must be the product of the name we are most known by. This presents a problem for the average man or woman. Many men are more known by their surnames than by their Christian and surname together and many women are called by some “pet” name to the complete extinction of their Christian name. In working out such cases mistakes may easily be made and a number allotted which is not the true one, whereas by going by the Birth number and using it as the foundation no mistake can be made.