Good Luck Tips
Carnelian Gemstone Meaning - Luck Stone
Carnelian (also sometimes referred to as cornelian) is found primarily in India, as well as various sites in South America. It is a variety of chalcedony. The most favorable pieces are a dee...
Garnet Gemstone Meaning - Luck Stone
The Garnet is known as the stone for a successful business. If your business is not as good as it should be, just put 3 or more garnets on your desk. It is believed that if a garnet is put u...
Aquamarine Gemstone Meaning - Luck Stone
This is the stone to help you be in touch with your spiritual being. The aquamarine stone is used in deep meditations.Aquamarine is a blue-green stone that comes from Colombia and Brazil. It...
Red Jasper Gemstone Meaning - Luck Stone
A strong protection gemstone, red jasper is known to protect against hazards of the night. Red jasper is very lucky for actors. Jasper is one of the oldest known gemstones. It is mentioned i...
Amethyst Gemstone Meaning - Luck Stone
Crystalline quartz in shades of purple, lilac or mauve is called amethyst, a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkeness and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from th...
Emerald Gemstone Meaning - Luck Stone
The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For...
Hematite Gemstone Meaning - Luck Stone
Hematite is used to improve relationships. If you need your personal relationship to be better, carry a hematite with you always.The name comes from the Greek word for blood. It has been use...
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