Aadolf name - Meaning of Aadolf

Aadolf name - Meaning of Aadolf

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 3 Meaning
Finnish, Germanic
Aadolf Meaning
Finnish form of Adolf. Aadolf is a Finnish variant of Adolf. The name Adolf comes from two Germanic words - "adel", which means "distinguished or noble", and "wulf", which means "wolf". It was common in Germany to use the name Wulf in their names to denote a warrior who has distinguished himself in battle. The name Adolf has however fallen out of usage after World War II due to its negative associations with Adolf Hitler.

Aadolf Related Names
Diminutives: Aatto, Aatu
Other Languages: Adalwolf, Adolf, Adolphus (Ancient Germanic), Adolf (Czech), Adolf, Alf (Danish), Adolf, Ade (Dutch), Adolph, Dolph (English), Adolphe (French), Adde, Ade (Frisian), Adolf (German), Adolfo (Italian), Dölf, Dulf (Limburgish), Adolf, Alf (Norwegian), Adolfo, Adolfito, Fito (Spanish), Adolf, Alf (Swedish)

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Meaning of Aadolf Name

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