Aesop name - Meaning of Aesop

Aesop name - Meaning of Aesop

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 2 Meaning
Ancient Greek (Anglicized)
EE-sahp (English)
Aesop Meaning
From the Greek Αισωπος (Aisopos) , which is of unknown meaning. This was the name of a Greek fabulist of the 6th century Bc, famous for such tales as 'The Tortoise and the Hare'. The name Aesop is a derivative of the ancient Greek name Aisopos. Unfortunately, the exact meaning of the name is uncertain at this time. The most famous bearer of the name was the person who wrote what we all know as "Aesop"s Fables", and even his history is sketchy at best although his fables have survived.

Aesop Celebrities
Aesop - author, Aesop Rock - hip hop artist,

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