Alaric name - Meaning of Alaric

Alaric name - Meaning of Alaric

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Ancient Germanic
AL-ə-rik (English)
Alaric Meaning
From the Gothic name Alareiks which meant "ruler of all", derived from the Germanic element ala "all" combined with ric "ruler, power". This was the name of a king of the Visigoths who sacked Rome in the 5th century. Alaric is the Anglicized version of the Germanic name "Alareiks", a combination of two words - "ala", which means "all", and "ric", which means "ruler or king". It was the name of the King of the Visigoths who were actually a very peaceful people of musicians and craftsmen, but who sacked Rome because they could not put up with the oppression of the Romans.

Alaric Related Names
Variants: Alarik, Alarich, Alarick, Aleric

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