Aubrey name - Meaning of Aubrey

Aubrey name - Meaning of Aubrey

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Masculine & Feminine
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
English, Germanic
Aubrey Meaning
Norman French form of the Germanic name Alberich. As an English masculine name it was common in the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century. Since the mid-1970s it has more frequently been given to girls, probably because of its similarity to Audrey. Aubrey originates in Germanic languages and means "ruler of elves". Formerly, it was more frequently used as a masculine given name, but lately, it has become more popular as a feminine given name. It functions as a surname as well.

Aubrey Related Names
Variants: Auberon, Aubree, Aubrie, Aubary, Aubery, Aubray, Aubrea, Aubreah, Aubreigh, Aubria, Aubriana, Aubrianna, Aubry, Aubury, Avery
Other Languages: Alberich (Ancient Germanic), Alberich, Alberic (Germanic Mythology), Alberico (Italian)

Aubrey Celebrities
Aubrey Plaza - American actress, Aubrey Dollar - actress,

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Meaning of Aubrey Name

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