Bartlomiej name - Meaning of Bartlomiej

Bartlomiej name - Meaning of Bartlomiej

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 6 Meaning
Polish, Hebrew, Polish
Bartlomiej Meaning
Polish form of Bartholomew. Bartlomiej is a Polish variant of Bartholomew. Bartholomew is a Hebrew name that is derived from the Aramaic “bar-Talmay” which means “having many furrows” or "rich in land". It is believed that the name was brought into Europe only during the Crusades when those who fought in the war named their children with Biblical names.

Bartlomiej Related Names
Diminutives: Bartek, Bartosz
Other Languages: Bartholomew (Biblical), Bartholomaios (Biblical Greek), Bartholomeus (Biblical Latin), Bartomeu (Catalan), Bartolomej, Bartol (Croatian), Bartoloměj (Czech), Bartholomeus, Bart, Bartel, Mees, Mies (Dutch), Bartholomew, Bart, Tolly (English), Perttu (Finnish), Barthélémy (French), Bartolomeu (Galician), Bartholomäus (German), Bertalan, Bartal, Bertók (Hungarian), Bartolomeo (Italian), Bartolomeu (Portuguese), Varfolomei, Varfolomey (Russian), Bartolomej (Serbian), Bartolomej (Slovak), Jernej, Nejc (Slovene), Bartolomé (Spanish)

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Meaning of Bartlomiej Name

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