Belinda name - Meaning of Belinda

Belinda name - Meaning of Belinda

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 11 Meaning
English, Germanic
Belinda Meaning
The meaning of this name is not known for certain. The first element could be related Italian bella "beautiful". The second element could be related to Germanic lind "serpent, dragon" or linde "soft, tender". This name first arose in the 17th century, and was subsequently used by Alexander Pope in his poem 'The Rape of the Lock' (1712). Belinda most likely originates in Germanic languages and means "pretty snake". Some sources also suggest a derivation from Italian expressions, meaning "beautiful". The etymology is not clear. Belinda was a character in the poem The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope, and it is also the name of a satellite of Uranus.

Belinda Related Names
Variant:, Bellinda, Bellina, Bindy
Diminutive: Bindy

Belinda Celebrities
Belinda Cordwell - tennis player, Belinda Emmett - actress, Belinda Laracuente - boxer, Belinda Oliveira - jazz musician, Belinda Stronach - Canadian politician,

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Meaning of Belinda Name

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