Brandon name - Meaning of Brandon

Brandon name - Meaning of Brandon

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Lucky Number
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Brandon Meaning
From a surname which was derived from a place name meaning "hill covered with broom" in Old English. It is sometimes also used as a variant of Brendan. Brandon is an English name and is of Anglo-Saxon origin. It is believed to be a locational name for people from places like Brandune and Brandun. These place names are a combination of two Old English words, “brom” which means "broom" and “dun” which means "a hill". It is also believed to be a shortened version of many Germanic names starting with Brand which means "sword".

Brandon Related Names
Variants: Branden, Brandyn

Brandon Celebrities
Brandon Archer - football player, Brandon Armstrong - basketball player, Brandon Baker - actor, Brandon Bass - basketball player, Brandon Boyd - musician, Brandon Call - actor, Brandon Cruz - actor, Brandon Doman - football player, Brandon Green - football player, Brandon Haw - football player, Brandon Hillock - actor, Brandon Routh - actor,

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Meaning of Brandon Name

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