Brett name - Meaning of Brett

Brett name - Meaning of Brett

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Lucky Number
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Brett Meaning
From a Middle English surname meaning "a Breton", referring to an inhabitant of Brittany. A famous bearer is the American football quarterback Brett Favre (1969-). The name Brett is an anglicised version of the old French word Bret which was used to refer to a person from Britain, England or Brittany in France. It was originally a surname and over the years transferred to be used as a first name too. It is thought that the name originated from William the Conquerer in 1066 and that many of the original Brets were his followers.

Brett Related Names
Variant: Bret

Brett Celebrities
Brett Beard - football player, Brett Butler - baseball player, Brett Cullen - actor, Brett Fischer - football player, Brett Gideon - baseball player, Brett Hodge - football player, Brett Jodie - baseball player, Brett Laxton - baseball player, Brett Pierce - football player,

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Meaning of Brett Name

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