Bryan name - Meaning of Bryan

Bryan name - Meaning of Bryan

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 6 Meaning
English, Irish
Bryan Meaning
Variant of Brian. Bryan is the spelling variant of Brian. The origin of the name Brian is not exactly clear. Most sources suggest that it comes from Irish and Breton languages and it means “noble, high man”, derived from the Celtic element ‘bre’, which means ‘hill’. Brian is known from Irish mythology, and it was also the name of the Irish king Brian Boru. As a masculine given name it started to be used in the Middle Ages, sort of died out afterwards, and gained its popularity back in the 20th century. Both spellings of Brian and Bryan are equally used.

Bryan Related Names
Variants: Brian, Brion, Bryon
Feminine Forms: Breana, Breann, Breanna, Breanne, Briana, Brianna, Brianne, Bryana, Bryanna, Bryanne

Bryan Celebrities
Bryan Adams - musician, Bryan White - musician, Bryan Brown - actor, Bryan Corey - baseball player, Bryan Dattilo - actor, Bryan Helmer - hockey player, Bryan Little - baseball player, Bryan McFadden - musician, Bryan Cranston - actor, Bryan Ferry - musician,

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Meaning of Bryan Name

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