Caleb name - Meaning of Caleb

Caleb name - Meaning of Caleb

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 5 Meaning
English, Biblical, Hebrew
KAY-ləb (English)
Caleb Meaning
Most likely related to Hebrew (kelev) meaning "dog". An alternate theory connects it to Hebrew (kal) "whole, all of" and (lev) "heart". In the Old Testament this is the name of one of the twelve spies sent by Moses into Israel. Of the Israelites who left Egypt with Moses, Caleb and Joshua were the only ones who lived to see the Promised Land. As an English name, Caleb came into use after the Protestant Reformation. It was common among the Puritans, who introduced it to America in the 17th century. Caleb is a biblical name of Hebrew origin. He is one of the people chosen by God to lead the people into the land of Canaan with Moses. The name Caleb is from the Hebrew word "Kaleb" which literally translates to "dog". It means being loyal to God like a dog is loyal to its master. However, the most apt meaning of the name "Caleb" is "to be faithful".

Caleb Related Names
Variant: Kaleb (English)
Diminutive: Cale (English)
Other Languages: Chaleb (Biblical Greek), Kalev (Biblical Hebrew), Chaleb (Biblical Latin)

Caleb Celebrities
Caleb Campbell - football player, Caleb Carr - author, Caleb Miller - football player, Caleb Ross - actor, Caleb Spencer - football player,

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Meaning of Caleb Name

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