Cassie name - Meaning of Cassie

Cassie name - Meaning of Cassie

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 2 Meaning
English, Greek
Cassie Meaning
Diminutive of Cassandra and other names beginning with Cass. Cassie is a diminutive of Cassandra. Cassandra originates in Greek language and means "shine upon mankind". In Greek mythology, Cassandra, King Priam"s daughter, was a prophet. Apollo cast a curse on her so that nobody would ever believe her prophecies. Eventually, the gift of prediction resulted in endless frustration. Cassandra has been an inspiration for many artists and authors. In the U.S. the name became popular in the 20th century.

Cassie Related Names
Variants: Cass, Kassy, Cassi, Kassie, Cassey, Cassy, Kassey, Kesey, Kessey, Kessi, Kessie
Other Languages: Kassandra (Ancient Greek), Cassandra (French), Cassandra (German), Cassandra, Kassandra (Greek Mythology), Cassandra (Italian), Kasandra (Polish), Cassandra (Portuguese), Cassandra (Spanish)

Cassie Celebrities
Cassie Steele - actress,

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Meaning of Cassie Name

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