Celia name - Meaning of Celia

Celia name - Meaning of Celia

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 3 Meaning
English, Spanish, Italian, Latin
SEEL-yə (English) , SEE-lee-ə (English) , THE-lyah (Spanish) , SE-lyah (Latin American Spanish) , CHE-lyah (Italian), SEEL-yə/SEE-lee-ə
Celia Meaning
Feminine form of the Roman family name Caelius. Shakespeare used it in his play 'As You Like It' (1599), which introduced the name to the English-speaking public at large. It is sometimes used as a short form of Cecilia. Celia is most likely a diminutive of Cecilia. Cecilia originates in Latin language and means "blinded". Saint Cecilia was the patron saint of music. In English-speaking countries the name has been used since the 18th century. It was popularized by the song of the same name by Simon and Garfunkel.

Celia Related Names
Variants: Cece, Sissy, Cissy, Sissie (English), Celie
Masculine Forms: Celio (Spanish), Celio (Italian)
Other Languages: Caecilia, Caelia (Ancient Roman), Cecilija, Cila (Croatian), Cecilie, Cecílie (Czech), Cecilie, Cille, Silje, Sille (Danish), Cécile, Cecilia, Cilla, Silke (Dutch), Cecilia, Silja (Finnish), Cécile (French), Cäcilia, Cäcilie, Caecilia, Cecilia, Silke, Zilla (German), Cecília, Cili (Hungarian), Sheila, Síle (Irish), Cecilie, Silje (Norwegian), Cecylia (Polish), Cecília, Célia (Portuguese), Tsetsiliya (Russian), Sìleas (Scottish), Cecília (Slovak), Cecilija, Cila, Cilka (Slovene), Cecilia, Cilla (Swedish)

Celia Celebrities
Celia Cruz - musician, Celia Johnson - actress, Celia Mara - jazz artist, Celia Weston - actress,

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Meaning of Celia Name

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