Chelle name - Meaning of Chelle

Chelle name - Meaning of Chelle

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
English, Hebrew
Chelle Meaning
Diminutive of Michelle. Chelle is a diminutive of Michelle. Michelle originates in Hebrew language. It is a French feminine form of Michel, which is a French form of Michael. It used to be extremely popular only in France at first, in the English-speaking countries it has been popular since the 1940s. The name Michel is ultimately derived from Hebrew and means "which man is like God?", which is a rhetorical question suggesting a negative answer. Michelle can also be used as a surname.

Chelle Related Names
Variants: Shell, Michelyne, Chele, Chell
Other Languages: Mihaela (Croatian), Michaela, Michala (Czech), Mikaela, Mikkeline (Danish), Michelle (Dutch), Mikaela (Finnish), Michèle, Michelle, Micheline (French), Michaela (German), Micaela, Michela, Michelina (Italian), Mihaela, Mihaila (Macedonian), Mikaela (Norwegian), Michalina (Polish), Micaela, Miguela (Portuguese), Mihaela (Romanian), Michaela (Slovak), Mihaela (Slovene), Micaela, Miguela (Spanish), Michaela, Mikaela (Swedish), Mykhaila (Ukrainian)

Chelle Celebrities
Chelle Cordero - writer,

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Meaning of Chelle Name

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