Claus name - Meaning of Claus

Claus name - Meaning of Claus

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 11 Meaning
German, Danish, Greek
Claus Meaning
German short form of Nicholas. Claus is derived from the Greek name “Nikolaos” which means “the conquering people”. The name became very popular during the Crusades when people started naming their children Hebrew names or names connected with the Holy land, and Claus is one such. There are a number of different versions of the name and it is very popular in the German speaking countries.

Claus Related Names
Variants: Klaus, Nico (German), Klaas (Low German)
Feminine Form: Nikola (German)
Other Languages: Nicolaus, Nikolaos (Ancient Greek), Nikola (Basque), Nikola, Nikolai, Nikolay (Bulgarian), Nicolau (Catalan), Nikola, Nikica, Niko, Nikša (Croatian), Mikuláš, Mikoláš, Mikula, Nikola (Czech), Nicolaas, Nikolaas, Kai, Klaas, Nick, Nico, Niek (Dutch), Nicholas, Colin, Collin, Nic, Nick, Nickolas, Nicky, Nikolas (English), Nikolao, Niĉjo (Esperanto), Nigul (Estonian), Niklas, Kai, Klaus, Launo, Niilo, Niko, Nikolaus (Finnish), Nicholas, Nicolas (French), Kai, Kay, Klaes (Frisian), Nicolau (Galician), Nikoloz, Nika, Nikusha (Georgian), Nicolaos, Nikolaos, Nikolas (Greek), Miklós, Nikola, Miksa (Hungarian), Nioclás (Irish), Niccolò, Nicola, Nicolò, Nico (Italian), Nikolajs (Latvian), Klaos (Limburgish), Nikola, Nikolche (Macedonian), Col (Medieval English), Kai, Klaus, Nikolaus, Nils (Norwegian), Mikołaj (Polish), Nicolau, Nico (Portuguese), Nicolae, Neculai, Nicu, Nicușor (Romanian), Nikolai, Nikolay, Kolya (Russian), Neacel, Nicol, Nichol (Scottish), Nikola, Nikica (Serbian), Mikuláš (Slovak), Miklavž, Nikola, Nikolaj, Nik, Niko (Slovene), Nicolao, Nicolás, Nico (Spanish), Niklas, Claes, Kai, Klas, Nels, Nikolaus, Nils (Swedish), Mykola (Ukrainian)

Claus Celebrities
Claus Jensen - soccer player,

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Meaning of Claus Name

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