Collis name - Meaning of Collis

Collis name - Meaning of Collis

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 7 Meaning
English, Greek
Collis Meaning
Collis is a variant of Collin, itself a diminutive of Nicholas. Nicholas originates in Greek language and means "people"s triumph". It has been a popular masculine given name for centuries and in different spellings all over the world. One of the famous bearers was Saint Nicholas, bishop of Lyra, who most likely serves as an inspiration for Santa Claus. In the United States, Nicholas has been frequently used for a very long time now.

Collis Celebrities
Collis Jones - basketball player, Collis Temple - basketball player,

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Meaning of Collis Name

Collis name meaning. The meaning, origin, popularity and detailed name information of Collis.

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