Dinah name - Meaning of Dinah

Dinah name - Meaning of Dinah

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, English
DIE-nə (English), DEE-nə/DIE-nə
Dinah Meaning
Means "judged" in Hebrew. She is the daughter of Jacob and Leah in the Old Testament. It has been used as an English given name since after the Protestant Reformation. Dinah originates in Hebrew language and means "the avenged one". In the Book of Genesis, Dinah was Jacob"s and Leah"s daughter, kidnapped and eventually revenged by her brothers Simeon and Levi.

Dinah Related Names
Variants: Dina (English), Dinora, Dinorah, Dyna, Dynah
Other Languages: Dina (Biblical Greek), Dina (Biblical Latin)

Dinah Celebrities
Dinah Shore - Hall of Fame golfer, Dinah Hawken - writer, Dinah Manoff - actress, Dinah Nelken - writer, Dinah Priestly - writer, Dinah Sheridan - actress, Dinah Washington - musician, Dina Craissati - writer, Dina Merrill - actress, Dina Meyer - actress, Dina Rae - musician, Dina Tersago - model, Dina Zaman - writer,

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