Domonkos name - Meaning of Domonkos
Domonkos name - Meaning of Domonkos Gender Masculine Lucky Number 7 See Lucky Number 7 Meaning Usage Hungarian, Latin Pronounced DO-mon-kosh Domonkos Meaning Hungarian form of Dominic. Domonkos is a Hungarian variant of Dominic. Dominic originates in Latin language and means "Lord"s child". Having been borne by numerous saints, the name became popular mainly within Roman Catholic families, often given to boys born on Sunday. As a masculine given name, it has lately won back its former popularity in the United States.
Domonkos Related Names Variant : DominikOther Languages : Txomin (Basque), Dominik, Dinko (Croatian), Dominik (Czech), Dominicus (Dutch), Domenic, Dominic, Dom, Dominick, Nic (English), Dominique (French), Dominik (German), Domenico (Italian), Dominicus (Late Roman), Dominykas (Lithuanian), Dominik (Polish), Domingos (Portuguese), Dominik (Slovak), Domen, Dominik (Slovene), Domingo (Spanish)
Domonkos Celebrities Domonkos Ferjancsik - fencer, Domonkos Szell - rower,
Domonkos name meaning . The meaning, origin, popularity and detailed name information of Domonkos.
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