Elda name - Meaning of Elda

Elda name - Meaning of Elda

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 4 Meaning
Italian, Germanic
Elda Meaning
Italian form of Hilda. Elda is an Italian form of Hilda. Hilda originates in Germanic languages and means "fighting a war". This was the name of a 7th century English saint, Hilda of Whitby. Throughout centuries, Hilda has been a popular name among royalty, including Princess Hilda of Nassau and others. In the English-speaking countries it has been more frequent since the 19th century.

Elda Related Names
Variants: Ilda, Ellda, Elde
Other Languages: Hilda (Ancient Germanic), Hildr (Ancient Scandinavian), Hild, Hilda (Anglo-Saxon), Hilda (Danish), Hilda, Hilde (Dutch), Hilda, Hylda (English), Hilda, Hilde (German), Hildur (Icelandic), Hildr (Norse Mythology), Hilda, Hildur (Norwegian), Hilda (Spanish), Hilda, Hildur (Swedish)

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Meaning of Elda Name

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