Emery name - Meaning of Emery

Emery name - Meaning of Emery

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Masculine & Feminine
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 3 Meaning
English, Germanic
Emery Meaning
Norman form of Emmerich. The Normans introduced it to England, and though it was never popular, it survived until the end of the Middle Ages. As a modern given name, it is likely inspired by the surname Emery, which was itself derived from the medieval given name. It can also be given in reference to the hard black substance called emery. Emery originates in Germanic languages and means "home power". Formerly it was more popular as a masculine given name, recently it gained popularity as a feminine given name as well. It also functions as a surname.

Emery Related Names
Variants: Amery, Emory
Other Languages: Amalric, Emelrich, Emmerich, Ermenrich, Heimirich, Heinrich, Henricus (Ancient Germanic), Henrik (Armenian), Endika (Basque), Enric (Catalan), Henrik (Croatian), Jindřich, Hynek (Czech), Henrik, Henning (Danish), Hendrik, Henricus, Heike, Heiko, Hein, Henk, Hennie, Henny, Rik (Dutch), Hendrik (Estonian), Harri, Henri, Henrikki, Heikki (Finnish), Amaury, Émeric, Henri (French), Heike, Heiko (Frisian), Anri (Georgian), Emmerich, Heinrich, Hendrik, Henrik, Heiner, Heinz, Henning (German), Henrik, Imre, Imrus (Hungarian), Hinrik (Icelandic), Anraí, Einrí (Irish), Amerigo, Enrico, Arrigo, Enzo, Rico (Italian), Henrikas, Herkus (Lithuanian), Hinrich, Heike, Heiko (Low German), Herry (Medieval English), Henrik, Henning (Norwegian), Henryk (Polish), Américo, Henrique (Portuguese), Eanraig, Hendry (Scottish), Henrich, Imrich (Slovak), Henrik (Slovene), Américo, Enrique, Quique (Spanish), Henrik, Henning (Swedish), Harri (Welsh)

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Meaning of Emery Name

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