Essie name - Meaning of Essie
- Gender
- Feminine
- Lucky Number
- 3
- Usage
- English, Latin
- Pronounced
- ES-ee
- Essie Meaning
- Diminutive of Estelle or Esther. Essie is most likely a diminutive of Estelle. Estelle is a French variant of Stella. Stella originates in Latin language and means "like a star". As a feminine given name it has been used since the 19th century even though it was popularized in the 16th century already by Sir Philip Sidney in his sonnet collection Astrophel and Stella. Until today, Stella remains a popular name in the United States. Estelle was most likely popularized by Charles Dickens in his novel Great Expectations.
Essie Related Names
Variants: Esta, Essy, Essi
Other Languages: Esther (Biblical), Esther (Biblical Greek), 'Ester (Biblical Hebrew), Esther, Hester (Biblical Latin), Ester (Czech), Ester (Danish), Esther (Dutch), Ester, Esteri, Essi (Finnish), Estelle, Esther (French), Eszter, Eszti (Hungarian), Esther (Jewish), Estera (Lithuanian), Ester (Norwegian), Estera (Polish), Estela, Ester (Portuguese), Esfir, Yesfir (Russian), Estera (Slovak), Estela, Ester, Esther (Spanish), Ester (Swedish)
Essie Celebrities
Essie Summers - writer,