Franklin name - Meaning of Franklin

Franklin name - Meaning of Franklin

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Lucky Number
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Franklin Meaning
From an English surname which was derived from Middle English frankelin "freeman". A famous bearer of the surname was Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), an American statesman, inventor, scientist and philosopher. The name has commonly been given in his honour in the United States. It also received a boost during the term of American president Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945). Franklin originates in English language and means "free owner of land". As a masculine given name its usage has declined recently. It functions as a surname as well, the famous bearer being Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Franklin Celebrities
Franklin Pierce - former US President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt - former US President, Franklin Dunbar - football player, Franklin Morales - baseball player, Franklin Stubbs - baseball player,

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Meaning of Franklin Name

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