Geoffroi name - Meaning of Geoffroi
- Gender
- Masculine
- Lucky Number
- 9
- Usage
- Medieval French
- Geoffroi Meaning
- Medieval French form of Geoffrey.
Geoffroi Related Names
Other Languages: Gaufrid, Gisilfrid, Godafrid, Walahfrid (Ancient Germanic), Guðfriðr (Ancient Scandinavian), Godfried (Dutch), Geoffrey, Godfrey, Jeffrey, Geffrey, Geoff, Jeff, Jeffery, Jeffry, Jep (English), Geoffrey, Geoffroy (French), Gottfried (German), Gofraidh, Séafra, Siothrún (Irish), Goffredo, Fredo (Italian), Gjord, Gjurd (Medieval Scandinavian), Godtfred, Gjurd (Norwegian), Godofredo (Portuguese), Goraidh (Scottish), Godofredo (Spanish), Gottfrid, Gjord (Swedish), Sieffre (Welsh)