Gideon name - Meaning of Gideon

Gideon name - Meaning of Gideon

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
Biblical, English, Hebrew
GID-ee-ən (English)
Gideon Meaning
Means "feller" or "hewer" in Hebrew. Gideon was a hero of the Old Testament who led the Israelites against the Midianites. In the English-speaking world, Gideon has been used as a given name since the Protestant Reformation, and it was popular among the Puritans. Gideon is derived from the Hebrew personal name "Gidon", which means "hewer or one who cuts down".

Gideon Related Names
Variant: Gid'on (Hebrew)
Other Languages: Gedeon (Biblical Greek), Gid'on (Biblical Hebrew), Gedeon (Biblical Latin)

Gideon Celebrities
Gideon Kliger - athlete,

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Meaning of Gideon Name

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