Godfrey name - Meaning of Godfrey
- Gender
- Masculine
- Lucky Number
- 8
- Usage
- English, Germanic
- Pronounced
- GAHD-free
- Godfrey Meaning
- From the Germanic name Godafrid, which meant "peace of god" from the Germanic elements god "god" and frid "peace". The Normans brought this name to England, where it became common during the Middle Ages. A notable bearer was Godfrey of Bouillon, an 11th-century leader of the First Crusade and the first ruler of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Godfrey is an English name, derived from the Old Germanic “god frida”, itself derived from two words - “guda”, which means "good", and “frid”, which means "peace".
Godfrey Related Names
Variants: Geoffrey, Jeffrey, Godfry
Other Languages: Godafrid (Ancient Germanic), Guðfriðr (Ancient Scandinavian), Godfried (Dutch), Geoffrey, Geoffroy (French), Gottfried (German), Gofraidh, Séafra, Siothrún (Irish), Goffredo, Fredo (Italian), Geoffroi (Medieval French), Gjord, Gjurd (Medieval Scandinavian), Godtfred, Gjurd (Norwegian), Godofredo (Portuguese), Goraidh (Scottish), Godofredo (Spanish), Gottfrid, Gjord (Swedish), Sieffre (Welsh)
Godfrey Celebrities
Godfrey Blow - artist, Godfrey Cambridge - actor, Godfrey Reggio - film director,