Gottfried name - Meaning of Gottfried
- Gender
- Masculine
- Lucky Number
- 5
- Usage
- German
- Pronounced
- GAWT-freet
- Gottfried Meaning
- German form of Godfrey. This name was borne by the 13th-century German poet Gottfried von Strassburg and the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716), one of the inventors of calculus.
Gottfried Related Names
Other Languages: Godafrid (Ancient Germanic), Guðfriðr (Ancient Scandinavian), Godfried (Dutch), Geoffrey, Godfrey, Jeffrey, Geffrey, Geoff, Jeff, Jeffery, Jeffry, Jep (English), Geoffrey, Geoffroy (French), Gofraidh, Séafra, Siothrún (Irish), Goffredo, Fredo (Italian), Geoffroi (Medieval French), Gjord, Gjurd (Medieval Scandinavian), Godtfred, Gjurd (Norwegian), Godofredo (Portuguese), Goraidh (Scottish), Godofredo (Spanish), Gottfrid, Gjord (Swedish), Sieffre (Welsh)