Guus name - Meaning of Guus

Guus name - Meaning of Guus

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 5 Meaning
Dutch, Latin
Guus Meaning
Short form of Augustus or Gustaaf. Guus is a Dutch diminutive of Augustus. Augustus originates in Latin language and means "exalted". This was the name of the first emperor of the Roman Empire. As a masculine given name it sounds rather old-fashioned in modern times and is rarely used.

Guus Related Names
Other Languages: Augustus (Ancient Roman), Gautstafr (Ancient Scandinavian), August (Catalan), August, Gustav (Danish), August, Gus (English), Aukusti, Kustaa, Kyösti, Aku, Kusti (Finnish), Auguste, Gustave (French), August, Gustav, Gustaf (German), Gusztáv (Hungarian), Augusto, Gustavo (Italian), Augusts, Gustavs (Latvian), Augustas (Lithuanian), August, Gustav (Norwegian), August, Gustaw (Polish), Augusto, Gustavo (Portuguese), Avgust (Russian), Avgust (Slovene), Augusto, Gustavo (Spanish), August, Gustav, Gösta, Göstav, Gustaf (Swedish), Avgust (Ukrainian)

Guus Celebrities
Guus Haak - footballer, Guus Joppen - football player,

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Meaning of Guus Name

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