Hope name - Meaning of Hope

Hope name - Meaning of Hope

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Hope Meaning
From the English word hope, ultimately from Old English hopian. This name was first used by the Puritans in the 17th century. Hope originates in Old English language and is taken from the word for one of the three Christian virtues, the other two being Faith and Charity. As a feminine given name Hope has been used since the 17th century and has always been one of the most popular names, especially in Christian families. It can be used as a surname as well.

Hope Celebrities
Hope Clark - published author, Hope Davis - published author, Hope Emerson - actress, Hope Kolb - published author, Hope Lange - actress, Hope Morgan - jazz artist,

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Meaning of Hope Name

Hope name meaning. The meaning, origin, popularity and detailed name information of Hope.

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