Inka name - Meaning of Inka

Inka name - Meaning of Inka

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Frisian, Finnish, German, Germanic
Inka Meaning
Frisian and Finnish feminine form of Inge, and a German variant. Inka is a Finnish variant of Inge. Inge originates in Germanic languages and refers to Ing, a god from Norse mythology. It can be used as both feminine and masculine given names. It functions as a surname as well.

Inka Related Names
Variants: Inga (Finnish), Inge (German)
Other Languages: Ingeburg, Inga (Ancient Germanic), Inga, Ingibjörg, Ingigerðr, Ingríðr (Ancient Scandinavian), Inga, Inge, Ingebjørg, Ingeborg, Ingegerd, Ingrid, Inger (Danish), Inge (Dutch), Inga, Ingebjørg, Ingeborg, Ingegerd, Ingrid, Inger (Norwegian), Inga (Russian), Inga, Ingeborg, Ingegärd, Ingegerd, Ingrid, Inger (Swedish)

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Meaning of Inka Name

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