Iwona name - Meaning of Iwona

Iwona name - Meaning of Iwona

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Polish, Germanic, Polish
Iwona Meaning
Polish feminine form of Yvon. Iwona is a Polish variant of Yvonne. Yvonne originates in Germanic languages and means "of the yew tree". It is a feminine form of Yvon. As a feminine given name it has always been more popular in France and other European countries than the United States. Lately, its usage has declined even more. It has been regularly used since the end of the 19th century.

Iwona Related Names
Other Languages: Ivet (Bulgarian), Ivona (Croatian), Iva, Iveta, Ivona (Czech), Yvonne (Danish), Yvonne (Dutch), Yvette, Yvonne, Evette, Evonne, Ivonette, Lavone, Lavonne (English), Yvette, Yvonne (French), Ivonne, Yvonne (German), Ivona (Macedonian), Yvonne (Norwegian), Iveta, Ivona (Slovak), Ivette (Spanish), Yvonne (Swedish)

Iwona Celebrities
Iwona Kuczynska - tennis player, Iwona Marcinkiewicz - athlete,

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Meaning of Iwona Name

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