James name - Meaning of James

James name - Meaning of James

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Lucky Number
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English, Biblical, Hebrew
JAYMZ (English)
James Meaning
English form of the Late Latin name Iacomus which was derived from Ιακωβος (Iakobos) , the New Testament Greek form of the Hebrew name Ya'aqov (see Jacob). This was the name of two apostles in the New Testament. The first was Saint James the Greater, the apostle John 's brother, who was beheaded under Herod Agrippa in the Book of Acts. The second was James the Lesser, son of Alphaeus. Another James (known as James the Just) is also mentioned in the Bible as being the brother of Jesus. Since the 13th century this form of the name has been used in England, though it became more common in Scotland, where it was borne by several kings. In the 17th century the Scottish king James Vi inherited the English throne, becoming the first ruler of all Britain, and the name grew much more popular. Famous bearers include the explorer Captain James Cook (1728-1779), the inventor James Watt (1736-1819), and the novelist and poet James Joyce (1882-1941). This name has also been borne by six American presidents. A notable fictional bearer is the British spy James Bond, created by author Ian Fleming. James originates in Hebrew language and means "following after". It is the English form of the Latin name Iacomus, ultimately derived from the Hebrew Ya’aqov, the same name Jacob was derived from. James is the name of two Apostles in the New Testament. Since the 13th century it has become a popular masculine given name within royalty, borne by several rulers.

James Related Names
Variant: Jaymes (English)
Diminutives: Jamey, Jamie, Jay, Jem, Jemmy, Jim, Jimi, Jimmie, Jimmy, Jae (English)
Feminine Forms: Jaye, Jayla, Jaylen, Jaylene, Jaylin, Jaylyn (English)
Other Languages: Yakub, Yaqub (Arabic), Hagop, Hakob (Armenian), Jakes (Basque), Iakobos (Biblical Greek), Yaakov (Biblical Hebrew), Iacobus (Biblical Latin), Yakov (Bulgarian), Jaume, Jaumet (Catalan), Jago (Cornish), Jakov, Jakob, Jakša (Croatian), Jakub (Czech), Jacob, Jakob, Ib, Jeppe (Danish), Jacob, Jacobus, Jakob, Cobus, Coos, Jaap, Kobe, Kobus, Koos, Sjaak, Sjakie (Dutch), Jaagup, Jakob, Jaak, Jaakob (Estonian), Jaakko, Jaakoppi, Jaska (Finnish), Jacques (French), Japik (Frisian), Iago (Galician), Iakob, Koba (Georgian), Jakob (German), Iakopa, Kimo (Hawaiian), Yaakov, Yakov, Akiba, Akiva (Hebrew), Jakab, Jákob (Hungarian), Séamus, Shamus, Sheamus, Séamas (Irish), Giacobbe, Giacomo, Jacopo, Iacopo, Lapo (Italian), Iacomus, Jacobus (Late Roman), Jokūbas (Lithuanian), Jakov (Macedonian), Hemi (Maori), Jacob, Jakob (Norwegian), Jakub, Kuba (Polish), Jaime, Iago, Jacó (Portuguese), Yakov, Yasha (Russian), Seumas, Jamie (Scottish), Jakov (Serbian), Jakub (Slovak), Jakob, Jaka, Jaša (Slovene), Jacobo, Jaime, Yago (Spanish), Jacob, Jakob (Swedish), Yakup (Turkish), Yakiv (Ukrainian), Iago (Welsh), Kapel, Koppel, Yankel (Yiddish)

James Celebrities
James Buchanan - former US President, James Earl Carter - former US President, James Dean - actor, James Madison - former US President, James Pold - former US President, James Belushi - actor, James Blunt - musician, James McAvoy - actor, James Franco - actor, James Patterson - author, James Mason - actor, James Maslow - actor, James Hetfield - musician,

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