Jarrett name - Meaning of Jarrett

Jarrett name - Meaning of Jarrett

4.5/5 out of 270 votes.
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 11 Meaning
English, Germanic
JER-ət, JAR-ət
Jarrett Meaning
From a surname which was a variant of Garrett. Jarrett is ultimately derived from Gerald. Gerald originates in Germanic languages and means "ruler with spear". It was the name of several saints and priests. As a masculine given name its usage has declined lately. It functions as a surname as well.

Jarrett Related Names
Variants: Jarret, Jarett, Jaret

Jarrett Celebrities
Jarrett Bush - football player, Jarrett Jack - basketball player, Jarrett Lennon - actor, Jarrett Payton - football player,

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Meaning of Jarrett Name

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