Jolana name - Meaning of Jolana

Jolana name - Meaning of Jolana

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Czech, Slovak, Latin
Jolana Meaning
Czech and Slovak form of Yolanda. Jolana is a Czech variant of Yolanda. Yolanda is ultimately derived from Violet. Violet originates in Latin language and is derived from the name of a popular purple flower, from whose name the color was also derived. As a feminine given name it has been used since the end of the 19th century and currently is one of the most popular feminine names in the United States. It is also the name of several places in the U.S. and Canada. Yolanda used to be a popular name among royalty, nowadays it is rather rare in the U.S.

Jolana Related Names
Other Languages: Jolanda (Croatian), Jolanda (Dutch), Yolanda, Yolonda (English), Yolande (French), Iolanda, Jolanda (Italian), Jolanta (Polish), Iolanda (Portuguese), Iolanda (Romanian), Jolanda (Slovene), Yolanda (Spanish)

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Meaning of Jolana Name

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