Jolene name - Meaning of Jolene

Jolene name - Meaning of Jolene

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English, Hebrew
Jolene Meaning
Formed from Jo and the popular name suffix lene. This name was created in the 20th century. Jolene is a combination of Jo and the suffix -lene. Jo is a diminutive of Josephine, Joanna, but most frequently Joan. Joan originates in Hebrew language and means "God is merciful". It is a feminine form of John and as a female name has been used since the 17th century. One of the most famous bearers of this name was Joan of Arc, Maid of Orleans, a French heroine who led the French army in the Hundred Years" War. She was burned by the English at the stake for heresy and later on declared a martyr.

Jolene Related Names
Variants: Joetta, Joleen
Diminutive: Jojo
Other Languages: Tajuana (African American), Jone (Basque), Joanna (Biblical), Ioanna (Biblical Greek), Iohanna (Biblical Latin), Ioana, Ivana, Yana, Yoana (Bulgarian), Joana (Catalan), Ivana, Josipa, Jozefina, Finka, Ina, Žana (Croatian), Ivana, Jana, Johana, Josefa (Czech), Johanna, Johanne, Hanna, Hanne, Janne, Jannicke, Jannike, Jonna (Danish), Jana, Janna, Johanna, Jozefien, Hanna, Hanne, Hannie, Jennigje, Johanneke (Dutch), Johanna (Estonian), Janina, Johanna, Josefiina, Hanna, Hannele, Janna, Jenna, Jenni, Jonna (Finnish), Jeanne, Josée, Josèphe, Joséphine, Fifi, Josette, Josiane (French), Xoana (Galician), Jana, Janina, Johanna, Josefine, Josepha, Josephine, Hanna, Hanne (German), Ioanna, Nana (Greek), Johanna, Jozefa, Hanna (Hungarian), Jóhanna, Jóna (Icelandic), Chevonne, Shavonne, Shevaun, Shevon, Síne, Siobhan (Irish), Giovanna, Giuseppa, Gia, Gianna, Giannina, Giosetta, Giovannetta, Vanna (Italian), Johanna (Late Roman), Janina (Lithuanian), Ivana, Jovana (Macedonian), Jehanne, Johanne (Medieval French), Johanna, Johanne, Hanna, Hanne, Janne, Jannicke, Jannike (Norwegian), Janina, Joanna, Józefa, Józefina, Asia, Joasia (Polish), Joana, Josefa, Josefina, Joaninha (Portuguese), Ioana (Romanian), Yana, Zhanna (Russian), Jean, Seona, Seonag, Sheona, Shona, Sìne, Seònaid (Scottish), Ivana, Jovana (Serbian), Jana (Slovak), Ivana, Jana, Jožefa, Žana (Slovene), Josefa, Josefina, Juana, Juanita (Spanish), Janina, Janna, Johanna, Josefina, Hanna, Jonna (Swedish), Siân, Siwan (Welsh)

Jolene Celebrities
Jolene Blalock - actress,

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Meaning of Jolene Name

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