Josephine name - Meaning of Josephine

Josephine name - Meaning of Josephine

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 11 Meaning
English, German, Hebrew
JO-sə-feen (English) , yo-ze-FEE-nə (German)
Josephine Meaning
English and German form of Joséphine. Josephine originates in Hebrew language and means "God raises". It is a feminine form of Joseph. As a feminine given name it has been used on a regular basis since the 19th century. Josephine has always been popular among royalty, one of the most famous bearers is probably Josephine de Beauharnais, the first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte and the first French Empress.

Josephine Related Names
Variants: Josephina (English), Josefine (German), Giuseppina, Josefa, Josefina, Josepha, Josephene, Josephyna, Josephyne, Josie, Jozefina, Posy, Fifi
Diminutives: Jo, Joetta, Joey, Jojo, Jolene, Josie, Posie, Posy, Joleen (English)
Other Languages: Josipa, Jozefina, Finka, Ina (Croatian), Josefa (Czech), Jozefien (Dutch), Josefiina (Finnish), Josée, Josèphe, Joséphine, Fifi, Josette, Josiane (French), Jozefa (Hungarian), Giuseppa, Giosetta (Italian), Józefa, Józefina (Polish), Josefa, Josefina (Portuguese), Jožefa (Slovene), Josefa, Josefina (Spanish), Josefina (Swedish)

Josephine Celebrities
Josephine Aldridge - writer, Josephine Baker - actress, Josephine Bell - writer, Josephine Byrnes - actress, Josephine Chase - writer, Josephine Flood - writer, Josephine Hale - artist, Josephine Hart - author, Josephine Hull - actress, Josephine Lewis - painter, Josephine Miles - writer, Josephine Peary - published author, Josephine Tey - novelist,

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Meaning of Josephine Name

Josephine name meaning. The meaning, origin, popularity and detailed name information of Josephine.

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