Judah name - Meaning of Judah

Judah name - Meaning of Judah

4.6/5 out of 993 votes.
Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Biblical, Hebrew
JOO-də (English), JOO-dah
Judah Meaning
From the Hebrew name (Yehudah) which meant "praised". Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and the ancestor of the tribe of Judah, as told in the Old Testament. This tribe eventually formed the kingdom of Judah in the south of Israel. King David and Jesus were descendents of Judah. Judah is derived from the Hebrew name "Yehudah", itself derived from the word "yadah", which means "to praise".

Judah Related Names
Other Languages: Ioudas (Biblical Greek), Yehudah (Biblical Hebrew), Iudas (Biblical Latin), Jude (English), Yehudah (Hebrew), Yidel, Yudel (Yiddish)

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