Karmen name - Meaning of Karmen

Karmen name - Meaning of Karmen

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Slovene, Croatian, Hebrew
Karmen Meaning
Slovene and Croatian form of Carmen. Karmen is a Slavic variant of Carmen. Carmen is a Spanish form of Carmel, influenced by carmen, a Latin word for song. Carmel originates in Hebrew language and means "garden of God". In the Bible, Carmel was a mountain range in Israel, as well as an ancient town in Judea. As a feminine given name it was probably derived from the Virgin Mary Our Lady of Carmel. Carmen is the name of the famous opera by George Bizet.

Karmen Related Names
Other Languages: Carmel (Biblical), Carmel (Biblical Latin), Carme (Catalan), Carmel, Carmen, Carmella (English), Carme (Galician), Carmela, Carmen, Carmina (Italian), Carmen (Romanian), Carmen, Carmela, Carmelita, Carmina (Spanish)

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Meaning of Karmen Name

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