Lacey name - Meaning of Lacey
Lacey name - Meaning of Lacey Gender Masculine & Feminine Lucky Number 1 See Lucky Number 1 Meaning Usage English, French Pronounced LAY-see Lacey Meaning From a surname which was a variant of Lacy. Lacey originates in French language and means "person from Normandy". It was derived from an old French surname and as a surname it functions until today. The surname ultimately refers to a city in Normandy, a northern region of France. Lacey can be used as both feminine and masculine given names, currently it is much more popular for girls in the United States.
Lacey Related Names Variants : Lace, Lacee, Lacie, Lacy, Laicee, Laicey, Laisey, Laci, Laycee, Layci, Laycie
Lacey Celebrities Lacey Chabert - actress, Lacey Turner - actress, Lacey Beeman - actress,
Lacey name meaning . The meaning, origin, popularity and detailed name information of Lacey.
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