Lazarus name - Meaning of Lazarus

Lazarus name - Meaning of Lazarus

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Biblical, Biblical Latin, Hebrew
LAZ-ər-əs (English)
Lazarus Meaning
Latinized form of Λαζαρος (Lazaros) , a Greek form of Eleazar used in the New Testament. Lazarus was a man from Bethany, the brother of Mary and Martha, who was restored to life by Jesus. Lazarus is a Greek and Latin form of Eleazar. Eleazar is a Hebrew name and means “God is my helper”. It is derived from two Hebrew words - “el”, which means “God” or “all powerful”, and “ezer” which means "help".

Lazarus Related Names
Other Languages: Eleazar, Lazaros (Biblical Greek), 'El'azar (Biblical Hebrew), Lazar (Bulgarian), Lazar (Croatian), Lazare (French), Lázár (Hungarian), Lazzaro (Italian), Lazar (Macedonian), Lazar (Russian), Lazar (Serbian), Lázaro (Spanish)

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Meaning of Lazarus Name

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