Letitia name - Meaning of Letitia

Letitia name - Meaning of Letitia

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Lucky Number
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English, Latin
Letitia Meaning
From the Late Latin name Laetitia which meant "joy, happiness". This was the name of an obscure saint, who is revered mainly in Spain. It was in use in England during the Middle Ages, usually in the spelling Lettice, and it was revived in the 18th century. Letitia originates in Latin language and means "happy and joyous woman". As a feminine given name it has been used regularly since the 18th century but nowadays is rather rare in the United States.

Letitia Related Names
Variants: Lettice, Laetitia, Latisha, Leticia, Letizia, Letta, Letty, Tisha
Diminutives: Lettie, Letty, Tisha, Titty, Lecia
Other Languages: Latisha, Tisha (African American), Laetitia (French), Letizia (Italian), Laetitia (Late Roman), Letícia (Portuguese), Leticia (Spanish)

Letitia Celebrities
Letitia Tyler - U.S. First Lady in the 19th century, Letitia Hart - painter,

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Meaning of Letitia Name

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