Lexi name - Meaning of Lexi

Lexi name - Meaning of Lexi

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 5 Meaning
English, Greek
Lexi Meaning
Diminutive of Alexandra or Alexis. Lexi is a diminutive of Alexandra. Alexandra originates in Greek language and means "protector of humanity". It is a feminine form of Alexander. Saint Alexandra was a martyr of the Diocletianic persecutions. Throughout history, there have been many members of royalty given the name Alexandra. In Greek mythology, Alexandra was a by-name of the goddess Hera. It was popularized by Alexander the Great.

Lexi Related Names
Variants: Alex, Alexa, Alexina, Ali, Allie, Ally, Lexa, Lexie, Lexine, Lexy, Sandy, Zandra, Alexandrina, Alyx, Lexia, Lexus, Sandie, Lexee
Diminutives: Lexa, Alexina
Other Languages: Alexandra (Ancient Greek), Aleksandra, Aleksandrina (Bulgarian), Aleksandra, Sandra, Saša (Croatian), Alexandra (Czech), Alexandra, Sandra (Danish), Alexandra, Alex, Sandra, Xandra (Dutch), Aleksandra (Estonian), Sandra (Finnish), Alexandra, Alexandrie, Alexandrine, Sacha, Sandra, Sandrine (French), Alexandra, Alexia, Alexandrine, Sandra, Sascha (German), Alexandra (Greek), Alexandra (Greek Mythology), Alexandra, Szandra (Hungarian), Alastríona (Irish), Alessandra, Alessia, Alessa, Sandra (Italian), Sandra (Latvian), Sandra (Lithuanian), Aleksandra, Sandra, Sashka (Macedonian), Alexandra, Sandra (Norwegian), Aleksandra, Ola (Polish), Alexandra, Alexandrina, Sandra (Portuguese), Alexandra, Sanda, Sandra (Romanian), Aleksandra, Alexandra, Aleksandrina, Sasha, Shura (Russian), Saundra (Scottish), Aleksandra, Sandra, Saša (Serbian), Alexandra (Slovak), Aleksandra, Sandra, Saša (Slovene), Alejandra, Ale, Alexandra (Spanish), Alexandra, Sandra, Sassa (Swedish), Oleksandra, Lesya (Ukrainian)

Lexi Celebrities
Lexi Kercher - jazz artist, Lexi Randall - actress,

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Meaning of Lexi Name

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