Liliya name - Meaning of Liliya

Liliya name - Meaning of Liliya

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 5 Meaning
Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Latin, Russian
Liliya Meaning
Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian cognate of Lily. Liliya is a Russian form of Lily. Lily originates in Latin and it is derived from the name of a popular flowering plant, a symbol of purity. As a feminine given name it has increased its popularity within the 20th century and nowadays belongs to the 100 top names in the United States. It was probably popularized by the character of Lily Aldrin in the TV series How I Met Your Mother.

Liliya Related Names
Variants: Lilia, Lilya (Russian), Lilia, Lilya (Ukrainian)

Liliya Celebrities
Liliya Shobukhova - athlete, Liliya Vasilchenko - skier,

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Meaning of Liliya Name

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