Matej name - Meaning of Matej

Matej name - Meaning of Matej

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Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Croatian, Macedonian, Hebrew
Matej Meaning
Czech form of Matthias, used to refer to the apostle chosen to replace Judas Iscariot. Slovak form of Matthias, used to refer to the apostle chosen to replace Judas Iscariot. Also the Slovene, Croatian and Macedonian form of Matthew, used to refer to the evangelist and apostle also known as Levi. Matej is a Czech variant of Matthias, itself a variant of Matthew, used in various languages. Matthew originates in Hebrew language and means "God"s present". Saint Matthew was one of the twelve disciples of Christ and the author of the Gospel of Matthew. As a masculine given name Matthew has been popular over centuries, and in different spellings all over the world. It functions as a surname as well.

Matej Related Names
Variants: Matyáš, Matevž (Slovene)
Diminutive, Mate, Matko, Mato (Croatian)
Feminine Form, Mateja (Slovene), Mateja (Croatian)
Other Languages Matia (Basque), Matthias, Matthew (Biblical), Matthias, Matthaios (Biblical Greek), Mattityahu (Biblical Hebrew), Matthias, Mattheus (Biblical Latin), Mateu (Catalan), Matija, Mate, Matej, Mateo, Matko, Mato (Croatian), Mathias, Mads, Matthias (Danish), Matthias, Matthijs, Thijs, Ties (Dutch), Mat, Mathew, Matt, Matthew, Mattie, Matty (English), Matias, Matti (Finnish), Mathias, Mathis, Matthias, Mathieu, Matthieu (French), Mate (Georgian), Mathias, Mathis, Matthias, Mattias, Matthäus (German), Matthias (Greek), Makaio (Hawaiian), Mattithyahu, Mattityahu (Hebrew), Mátyás, Máté (Hungarian), Maitiú (Irish), Mattia, Matteo (Italian), Matas (Lithuanian), Matej (Macedonian), Mathias, Mats, Matteus, Matthias (Norwegian), Maciej, Mateusz (Polish), Matias, Mateus (Portuguese), Matheus (Portuguese (Brazilian) ), Matfey, Matvei, Matvey, Motya (Russian), Mateja, Matija (Serbian), Matej, Matúš (Slovak), Matija, Matjaž, Matej, Matevž, Matic, Tjaž (Slovene), Matías, Mateo (Spanish), Mathias, Mattias, Mats, Matteus, Matthias (Swedish), Matthias (Biblical), Matthias (Biblical Greek), Matthias (Biblical Latin), Matěj, Matouš, Matyáš (Czech), Mattias (German), Mátyás (Hungarian), Mattia (Italian), Matias (Portuguese), Matías (Spanish)
Diminutive:, Mate, Matko, Mato (Croatian)
Feminine Form, Mateja (Slovene), Mateja (Croatian)
Other Languages Matia (Basque), Matthias, Matthew (Biblical), Matthias, Matthaios (Biblical Greek), Mattityahu (Biblical Hebrew), Matthias, Mattheus (Biblical Latin), Mateu (Catalan), Matija, Mate, Matej, Mateo, Matko, Mato (Croatian), Mathias, Mads, Matthias (Danish), Matthias, Matthijs, Thijs, Ties (Dutch), Mat, Mathew, Matt, Matthew, Mattie, Matty (English), Matias, Matti (Finnish), Mathias, Mathis, Matthias, Mathieu, Matthieu (French), Mate (Georgian), Mathias, Mathis, Matthias, Mattias, Matthäus (German), Matthias (Greek), Makaio (Hawaiian), Mattithyahu, Mattityahu (Hebrew), Mátyás, Máté (Hungarian), Maitiú (Irish), Mattia, Matteo (Italian), Matas (Lithuanian), Matej (Macedonian), Mathias, Mats, Matteus, Matthias (Norwegian), Maciej, Mateusz (Polish), Matias, Mateus (Portuguese), Matheus (Portuguese (Brazilian) ), Matfey, Matvei, Matvey, Motya (Russian), Mateja, Matija (Serbian), Matej, Matúš (Slovak), Matija, Matjaž, Matej, Matevž, Matic, Tjaž (Slovene), Matías, Mateo (Spanish), Mathias, Mattias, Mats, Matteus, Matthias (Swedish), Matthias (Biblical), Matthias (Biblical Greek), Matthias (Biblical Latin), Matěj, Matouš, Matyáš (Czech), Mattias (German), Mátyás (Hungarian), Mattia (Italian), Matias (Portuguese), Matías (Spanish)
Feminine Form:, Mateja (Slovene), Mateja (Croatian)
Other Languages Matia (Basque), Matthias, Matthew (Biblical), Matthias, Matthaios (Biblical Greek), Mattityahu (Biblical Hebrew), Matthias, Mattheus (Biblical Latin), Mateu (Catalan), Matija, Mate, Matej, Mateo, Matko, Mato (Croatian), Mathias, Mads, Matthias (Danish), Matthias, Matthijs, Thijs, Ties (Dutch), Mat, Mathew, Matt, Matthew, Mattie, Matty (English), Matias, Matti (Finnish), Mathias, Mathis, Matthias, Mathieu, Matthieu (French), Mate (Georgian), Mathias, Mathis, Matthias, Mattias, Matthäus (German), Matthias (Greek), Makaio (Hawaiian), Mattithyahu, Mattityahu (Hebrew), Mátyás, Máté (Hungarian), Maitiú (Irish), Mattia, Matteo (Italian), Matas (Lithuanian), Matej (Macedonian), Mathias, Mats, Matteus, Matthias (Norwegian), Maciej, Mateusz (Polish), Matias, Mateus (Portuguese), Matheus (Portuguese (Brazilian) ), Matfey, Matvei, Matvey, Motya (Russian), Mateja, Matija (Serbian), Matej, Matúš (Slovak), Matija, Matjaž, Matej, Matevž, Matic, Tjaž (Slovene), Matías, Mateo (Spanish), Mathias, Mattias, Mats, Matteus, Matthias (Swedish), Matthias (Biblical), Matthias (Biblical Greek), Matthias (Biblical Latin), Matěj, Matouš, Matyáš (Czech), Mattias (German), Mátyás (Hungarian), Mattia (Italian), Matias (Portuguese), Matías (Spanish)
Other Languages: Matia (Basque), Matthias, Matthew (Biblical), Matthias, Matthaios (Biblical Greek), Mattityahu (Biblical Hebrew), Matthias, Mattheus (Biblical Latin), Mateu (Catalan), Matija, Mate, Matej, Mateo, Matko, Mato (Croatian), Mathias, Mads, Matthias (Danish), Matthias, Matthijs, Thijs, Ties (Dutch), Mat, Mathew, Matt, Matthew, Mattie, Matty (English), Matias, Matti (Finnish), Mathias, Mathis, Matthias, Mathieu, Matthieu (French), Mate (Georgian), Mathias, Mathis, Matthias, Mattias, Matthäus (German), Matthias (Greek), Makaio (Hawaiian), Mattithyahu, Mattityahu (Hebrew), Mátyás, Máté (Hungarian), Maitiú (Irish), Mattia, Matteo (Italian), Matas (Lithuanian), Matej (Macedonian), Mathias, Mats, Matteus, Matthias (Norwegian), Maciej, Mateusz (Polish), Matias, Mateus (Portuguese), Matheus (Portuguese (Brazilian) ), Matfey, Matvei, Matvey, Motya (Russian), Mateja, Matija (Serbian), Matej, Matúš (Slovak), Matija, Matjaž, Matej, Matevž, Matic, Tjaž (Slovene), Matías, Mateo (Spanish), Mathias, Mattias, Mats, Matteus, Matthias (Swedish), Matthias (Biblical), Matthias (Biblical Greek), Matthias (Biblical Latin), Matěj, Matouš, Matyáš (Czech), Mattias (German), Mátyás (Hungarian), Mattia (Italian), Matias (Portuguese), Matías (Spanish)

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Meaning of Matej Name

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