Derived from Greek μυρον (myron) meaning "sweet oil, perfume". Myron was the name of a 5th-century Bc Greek sculptor. Saints bearing this name include a 3rd-century bishop of Crete and a 4th-century martyr from Cyzicus who was killed by a mob. These saints are more widely revered in the Eastern Church, and the name has generally been more common among Eastern Christians. As an English name, it has been used since the 19th century. Myron is a Greek name, derived from the Greek word "myrrh", which was an embalming spice.
Myron Related Names Other Languages: Miron (Polish), Miron (Romanian), Miron (Russian), Miron (Ukrainian)
Myron Celebrities Myron Brown - basketball player, Myron Floren - musician, Myron Stout - artist, Myron White - baseball player,
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