Myrtle name - Meaning of Myrtle

Myrtle name - Meaning of Myrtle

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 3 Meaning
English, Greek
MUR-təl, MUR-tlə
Myrtle Meaning
Simply from the English word myrtle for the evergreen shrub, ultimately from Greek μυρτος (myrtos). It was first used as a given name in the 19th century, at the same time many other plant and flower names were coined. The name is simply taken from myrtle, the word for an evergreen shrub or a small tree. It has star-like flowers and its leaves contain fragrant essential oil. In the Mediterranean, it is symbolic of love and immortality. In many European countries, myrtle is used in a wedding bouquet. The word itself is ultimately derived from Greek myrtos.

Myrtle Related Names
Variant:, Mertle, Mirtle, Myrta, Myrtee, Myrtie
Diminutive: Myrtie

Myrtle Celebrities
Myrtle Fillmore - writer, Myrtle McGraw - published author, Myrtle Meares - published author, Myrtle Reed - writer, Myrtle Stedman - writer,

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