Nephele name - Meaning of Nephele

Nephele name - Meaning of Nephele

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 11 Meaning
Greek Mythology
NEF-el-ee (English), neh-FEL
Nephele Meaning
Means "cloudy" in Greek. In Greek legend Nephele was created from a cloud by Zeus, who shaped the cloud to look like Hera in order to trick Ixion, a mortal who desired her. Nephele was the mother of the centaurs by Ixion, and was also the mother of Phrixus and Helle by Athamus. Derived from the Greek nephos, which means "cloud". Nephele was a cloud nymph in Greek mythology. She was created by Zeus, as a cloud in the shape of Hera, to deceive Ixion after having fallen for Hera.

Nephele Related Names
Variant:, Nephel, Nephell, Nephelle, Nepphel, Nepphell, Nepphelle
Other Languages: Nefeli (Greek)

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