Oriana name - Meaning of Oriana

Oriana name - Meaning of Oriana

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 4 Meaning
Italian, Latin
o-RYAH-nah, oh-ree-AH-nə
Oriana Meaning
Possibly derived from Latin aurum "gold" or from its derivatives, Spanish oro or French or. In medieval legend Oriana was the daughter of a king of England who married the knight Amadis. There are several possible explanations of the name Oriana. It might originate in Irish language and mean "golden", or in Latin and mean "sunrise". The name is typically used in European languages and was also the nickname of Queen Elizabeth I.

Oriana Related Names
Variant:, Orianne, Oriane
Other Languages: Oriane, Orianne (French)

Oriana Celebrities
Oriana Fallazi - journalist, Oriana Panozzo - actress, Oriana Small - actress,

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