Orpah name - Meaning of Orpah

Orpah name - Meaning of Orpah

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 4 Meaning
Biblical Hebrew
AWR-pə (English)
Orpah Meaning
Hebrew form of Orpah. Means "back of the neck" in Hebrew. Orpah was Naomi's second daughter-in-law in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament. Orpah originates in Hebrew language and means "one who turned her back". The name is mentioned in the Bible, specifically the Book of Ruth. As a feminine given name it is very rare in the United States.

Orpah Related Names
Variant:, Orpha
Other Languages Orpah, Orpha (Biblical), Orpha (English), 'Orpah (Biblical Hebrew), Oprah
Other Languages: Orpah, Orpha (Biblical), Orpha (English), 'Orpah (Biblical Hebrew)

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