Orpheus name - Meaning of Orpheus

Orpheus name - Meaning of Orpheus

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 3 Meaning
Greek Mythology
AWR-fee-əs (English)
Orpheus Meaning
Perhaps related to Greek ορφνη (orphne) meaning "the darkness of night". In Greek mythology Orpheus was a poet and musician who went to the underworld to retrieve his dead wife Eurydice. He succeeded in charming Hades with his lyre, and he was allowed to lead his wife out of the underworld on the condition that he not look back at her until they reached the surface. Unfortunately, just before they arrived his love for her overcame his will and he glanced back at her, causing her to be drawn back to Hades. Orpheus is a name of Old Greek origins. It is derived from the Greek word "orphne", which means "darkness". In Greek mythology, Orpheus was the "father of song", who went to the underworld to Hades to charm him with his song to get back his dead wife.

Orpheus Related Names
Other Languages: Orfeo (Italian), Orfeo (Spanish)

Orpheus Celebrities
Orpheus Roye - football player,

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